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Website Details

Client:La Docente


Type:HTML Website

Created by us in 2014 and eventually discontinued in late 2019 when the teacher who used the website left Italy, the La Docente website was created for a freelance English teacher in the Arese and Saronno area of northern Italy. This teacher wanted a website which would generate clients, but which would not require her to spend time maintaining it. She wanted the site to generate enquires from interested clients, either by email or by telephone, and to functions as a general marketing tool.

We chose an HTML website for the design, which meant the website would be easy to use, be quick loading and reliabile, and require only minimal maintenance. The website is managed and hosted by us on our own servers and has been a great success.

la docente

Costs for a similar site; approximately £350, depending on page numbers, required features and functionality.